Hair Growth Phases - a brazilian reasons #0001

Hair growth happens in phases and not all hairs are in the same phase at the same time. This is why it takes repeated electrologist visits to clear an entire area. The more hair you have in an area per square inch, the longer it can take to remove it all. This is why everyone’s experience is unique even if two people have the same hair type and are getting the same area done.

The Hair Phases are:

Anagen - The Growth Phase

Period of active growth when the hair root cells rapidly divide in the matrix building length onto the hair shaft. Hair is at its greatest depth in Anagen & thus in the most ideal phase for effective electrolysis treatment.

Catagen - The Transition Phase

The hair stops growing in Catagen because the follicle releases it from its blood supply. This forms what is known as a club hair & leads to the next stage of hair growth. Catagen is the shortest of all growth phases.

Telogen - The Resting Phase

The hair rests in the follicle until it is pushed out by the growth of a new hair. Pulling out a hair in this stage will reveal a solid, hard white material at the root. Around 10-15% of hairs are in this phase.

Telogen Exogen - The Shedding Phase

Represents the period when a resting hair reaches its terminal position, gradually loosens and fully releases itself to make room for the new hair growing.

Early Anagen - The Early Growth Phase

The earliest stages of hair growth when the hair follicle grows downward & connects to its blood supply also known as the papilla.

Ask your electrologist for more information on the phases of hair growth.

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a brazilian reasons is a series of convincingly creative reasons for choosing electrolysis, the only FDA approved method for permanent hair removal.